Akamai Edge World 2019

Akamai Edge World was a 1,300 person conference for Akamai clients and prospects. The design direction underlined Akamai’s expertise behind the scenes by introducing code at every touch point. Code covered every graphic surface and was projected on the walls, floors, furniture, and even fog.
An unconventional circular floor plan allowed the attendees to discover topics based on their needs. Wayfinding was important in this case and was done by zone. Each zone had unique lighting, projection, icon and color. A center welcome/expert bar was located in the center and everything radiated from there.

Photo of the center of the show hall featuring the welcome desk, expert bar, and a projection screen above with looping videos.

Arches in each zone anchored the demo stations and provided a canvas for branding and wayfinding. 
In order to keep costs down for such a large scale event, many of the structures were rental panels re-configured in unique ways. Demo stations used asymmetry, translucency, and lighting to stand out.

Each zone radiated from the center welcome desk, started with demo stations and ended with a mini-theater in the corner of the hall.

Attendees walked through a fog wall with projected code and event logo.

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